
Several caches are available to running actions.
Storing files in a cache makes those files available to future executions.
A “bin”-directory is automatically created for every project-cache and added to the PATH when an action is started.
The PATH-variables also includes any bin-directory from shared caches of parent projects. The cache of the current project is first in PATH, then the ones of the parent projects in alphabetical order.

There are 4 scopes for caches and the project-scope can be shared with all child-projects.

Instance scope

location: /cache/instance

Only actions under the same instance can read from and write to this cache.

Container scope

location: /cache/container

Only actions under the same container can read from and write to this cache.

Environment scope

location: /cache/environment

Only actions under the same environment can read from and write to this cache.

Project scope

location: /cache/project

Only actions under environments that are directly linked to the project can write to this cache.

See the “Shared project caches”-topic below for information about how to make a project cache available to other projects.

Shared project caches

location: /cache/projects/ or /cache/projects/

Enable cache-sharing through the “Enable cache in child projects”-checkbox of the project form.
Enter an alias for a user-friendly name. Cache aliasses are unique in the whole Infraxys environment.

Shared caches can be read by all actions of any child-project.

Create a cache at the root-level and make a packet that installs the desired files so that they don’t need to be stored or downloaded multiple times.