
Modules are in Git-repositories and so multiple branches can exist.
Branch names are used as folder-names and as such they cannot contain all characters.

Infraxys provides some basic views to help with pulling, committing and pushing code. Use a Git-client if more complex tasks like merging need to be done. After making changes to a module outside of Infraxys, you need to import those changes using the “Refresh file system cache”-menu at the top for a full refresh, or using “Import file system cache”-context menu of a branch in the module tree to refresh just that branch.
Make sure you save your changes first.

Merge example

In this example there have been both local and remote changes to the master-branch of the infraxys-by-example module.
We’ll use the git-command line utility and a shell.

This module by default is under /opt/infraxys/modules/ on Linux-based systems.

cd /opt/infraxys/modules/
git pull origin master

If there are conflicts, then we’ll get a message like:

error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge
Please commit your changes or stash them before you merge.

In this case, I commited the file with conflicts and executed git pull origin master again.
There are many resources on the Internet that help to solve conflicts.

If JSON-files are involved, then make sure they are valid:

cat container.json | jq