
A packet is the definition of a configuration item. It has custom-defined attributes, scripts, configuration files, …

Configuration items are infrastructure components like a VPC, Subnet, EC2 instance, virtual machine, database user, …

A packet can be compared with a Java class definition.


A packet can extend multiple other packets and this many levels deep.

Generatation rules

The following rules apply when generating an instance that uses a packet which extends other packets.

  • If a parent-packet contains an attribute or a file with the same name as one of its child-packets, then the parent-version will be used.
  • The packet tree can process a packet only once. The first appearance encountered will be used. Example: packet-inherit-duplicates.png In this example the generated instance will use:
  • The name-attribute of Parent.
  • The childname-attribute of Child.
  • The test-file of Parent
  • File “terraform-plan” of one of the Terraform packets.